Monday, July 9, 2018

Caves And Kids

Apparently, there are some Thai kids trapped in a cave. I'm all full of caring and empathy and all that, but I honestly don't really care beyond hoping things work out for the best. I hate to sound like the cynical guy, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not that important. I never understood why people get all invested when a kid falls down a well or in sordid murder trials. And yeah, it's the same thing. Thousands of kids starve to death, or get killed in wars and genocide. There are situations hurting kids and millions of people caused by bad government policy in this country and all over the world, that you could actually do something about with something as simple as a petition or a phone call, which would take the same amount of time you spend pretending you are somehow part of a mine rescue. It's kind of narcissistic and sad. We waste our time getting caught up in the voyeuristic drama of tiny, isolated things, and we miss the big picture. It's creepy entertainment. So like I said, I hope things work out for everyone involved, but it doesn't affect my life or the life of anyone else I know in the least, and talking about it and pretending I'm somehow involved would just be an ego thing, not actually helping or making a difference. But there are situations where we all can make a difference and help, we should invest the time and energy there.

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