Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Things I try not to think about every day:

How any processed food I eat is made and what’s in it

That a lot of dust is dead skin cells

How many spiders I eat in my sleep in a year

That I’m 90% microorganisms and 10% people

The people that prepare my food at restaurants, level of concern going up the cheaper the place is

When I shake someone’s hand, odds are they masturbated with that hand very recently

The slave labor and children that make most of the consumer goods I buy

The creepy mites that live on the cheese I eat

A lot of people thought it was a good idea to vote for Trump

The wheel on my car is held on by five small bolts and nuts

Anything Asian cultures do to animals

My belly button might unravel and my guts will spill out

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Struggle

Some days it seems like everything is just broken beyond repair. You try to see the good, but there's so much evil and despair everywhere. The hardest part is seeing it go by unnoticed by most people, or worse yet, that they see it and just don't care at all. These are the days that you have to remind yourself that the bad is always going to be there, but the good is always there too. Maybe just do something nice, be kinder, be more compassionate, make someone's life a little better. Donate a few bucks to a charity if you can't volunteer yourself. Do something that tips the scales back in our favor, even a tiny bit. Go watch a favorite movie or TV show or read a book that comforts you and reaffirms your hope and faith, or at least makes you feel happy. Take care of yourself when you need to, because the struggle is all too real and it will always be there, but it is always worth struggling through. Always.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Still The Same

So Trump read a speech and kept his usual demeanor of antagonism and psychotic babble somewhat in check. Now comes the big push to present him as normal and legitimize him, and it will work to an extent. Many people lack critical thinking skills and will follow along, and you'll see some polls in the coming days that show more people having a favorable view of him. 
But he is mentally unstable and pretty stupid. He can't keep up this facade for long, and soon he'll be back on Twitter ranting and making bogus claims, spurred on by his fragile and massive ego. He still has to pander to his base, and his base has a huge contingent made up of racist and intolerant yahoos with no grasp of government. 
Stupid is as stupid does, and one measured (not to mention pandering, vague, and not particularly well written or well delivered) speech isn't going to change that. If you look at what he said, he is still adhering to all the horrible ideals and plans to wreck everything this country has worked to achieve for decades, he just paid lip service to a bunch of other corrupt politicians in an effort to help him do it. 
That speech last night means absolutely nothing, don't be fooled. He is a despot and a buffoon, a national embarrassment and a traitor to most of the ideals contained in the constitution. He is dangerous and reactionary, unprepared and often missing when his hand should be on the wheel, guiding the country through hard times. He is lost and flailing, and that is what they are trying to make your forget by trotting him out to read a carefully scripted speech that could have been written by the worst hack TV writer snatched from the writing room of whatever the lamest CSI drama is these days. 
Nothing at all has changed in the last 14 hours. Nothing.