Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Struggle

Some days it seems like everything is just broken beyond repair. You try to see the good, but there's so much evil and despair everywhere. The hardest part is seeing it go by unnoticed by most people, or worse yet, that they see it and just don't care at all. These are the days that you have to remind yourself that the bad is always going to be there, but the good is always there too. Maybe just do something nice, be kinder, be more compassionate, make someone's life a little better. Donate a few bucks to a charity if you can't volunteer yourself. Do something that tips the scales back in our favor, even a tiny bit. Go watch a favorite movie or TV show or read a book that comforts you and reaffirms your hope and faith, or at least makes you feel happy. Take care of yourself when you need to, because the struggle is all too real and it will always be there, but it is always worth struggling through. Always.

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