Judging by a lot of people's reaction to the Comey hearing (although I do recall someone recently say Democrats aren't even people), I think everyone needs a pep talk, so I'll do my best.
I see a lot of people terrified that Trump is a sign of things to come, that the country is doomed and freedom and democracy are done. That's nonsense.
I'm not saying that it's not bad right now, but some perspective, please. The country has been through a lot worse than a presidential term with a nitwit and crook in the oval office.
We have the Constitution, and it is a thing of beauty. It is one of the most amazing and resilient pieces of work in the history of civilization. Trump's presidency is not a dismantling of that, it is yet another test case that will be demolished by it. There are people in government that take seriously their vow to uphold that document, you saw one of them testify at a Senate hearing today. That should give you hope, not only because someone did what was right, but also because he was a Republican, and he put country ahead of party. That was nothing to shrug off on these partisan times.
Perhaps you were expecting something else, but believe me, today was glorious. What you saw today was someone laying the groundwork for what's to come, despite how right wing media and Trump's fellow Republicans and law team try to spin it. It is not looking pretty, and this cloud will not blow over anytime soon, so Trump and his cohorts better get used to it.
It may not seem like it now, but we are winning. A lot. This administration can't get any of its policies or initiatives passed, and is as dysfunctional as it gets. We are not making it easy, so keep up all the calls and petitions and protests, because the people really do have the power.
Sure the foxes are raiding the chicken coop while they have the chance, but most career Republican politicians know that the ship is taking on water, so they'll ride it out as long as they can and flee the sinking ship at the last minute. They know Trump is in way over his head and that he's completely unqualified. He is a worm in a den of vipers. If he thought dealings in the business world would prepare him for the cutthroat life in politics, he has had a rude awakening. He knows he's way out of his league, and so do the people taking advantage of the situation right now. When the time comes, they will hang him out to dry and it will be back to business as usual.
So we all need to relax, and keep in mind that no one man or administration is greater than the Constitution and what this country represents. It is a tumultuous time in this country, and unfortunately some people are going to get hurt by policy and bad decisions, but that's always been the case.
Politics is made up of a lot of rhetoric and jockeying for position. It is fluid and full of hyperbole made to make tiny things feel like the end of the world, only to be forgotten with the next news cycle. It is life and death seriousness and theater of the absurd art the same time, so don't get hung up on any one thing because you will miss ten other things that are actually important.
The country is safe, our democracy is safe, it's just going through more growing pains. That's the beauty of our Constitution, two hundred plus years later and we're still learning, but the guidelines laid out by our forefathers still lead us and give us something to protect their ideals. Our ideals.
This country is still a miracle, and despite recent events, is still a beacon of democracy. This is what that all looks like, it is our duty and our birthright to remember and defend it. These are dangerous times, but thank God there are still enough of us to resist. Did you think that would be easy? Did you think it would happen overnight?
No, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Stay the course and everything will be fine. Don't give in to the negative. Don't let minor setbacks get you discouraged.
The founders of this country fought a long, hard war to gain their freedom, and their future was very much in doubt for a lot of it. Even if they survived the war, they all would have been hung for treason had they lost. Still, they persevered.
The north could have easily lost the Civil War. So many people saw their children, their husbands, their parents killed in the battlefield. Brother fought against brother. Still, they persevered.
Women fought for the right to vote. They were treated like property, and derision and scorn rained down on them. Still, they persevered.
Two world wars, Americans at home dealing with rations, and housewives going to work in the factories, while soldiers were coming home in body bags. Still, they persevered.
The Civil Rights movement, lynchings and Martin Luther King assassinated. The 60’s and the Vietnam War, and Nixon. Still, they persevered.
Still, we persevere, because we owe it to everyone that sacrificed and did their job, and didn't wring their hands and complain and look to give up.
So get a good night's sleep and get up tomorrow and get back at it and fight for what you believe in. There is no reason to fear tyrants, they should be afraid of us.
Give them reason to fear.
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