Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Always Something
One thing about me is that I want to always learn and find out new things, I want to basically know everything there is to know. I know that's not possible, but it means I will never stop learning, so that's a good thing. When I learn about new things or people everyday that amaze me, it leads me to other new things that further amaze me. There is an endless supply of magic and wonder out there, and now the Internet has given me almost limitless access to all of it! My front door gives me access to the rest. Next time I get pissed off by some trivial annoyance, or by some overblown nonsense in the news, I need to remember that. I'm the only one that can decide what things I let affect me. The wonder and beauty in the world far outweighs the bullshit, so I should just step around the shit and enjoy the magic from now on.
Monday, August 28, 2017
One thing we all think from time to time is that we should be braver. We’ve all felt it, we’ve all chided ourselves for sitting there frozen and letting some small moment pass us by because we were fearful. We should stop letting stupid, irrational fears hold us back, and keep us from experiencing many of life's little joys. We should stop listening to our brain when it tells us we're no good, or we will look foolish, or that it's just not worth it. We should ignore our terror posing as instinct when it tries to convince us that we are doing the right thing by passing up an opportunity to do something we really want to do. The fear tells us that we are being wise, that we are being careful, that we are avoiding an unnecessary risk. So what if our hands shake for a moment, or if our voice cracks when we utter the first few words to a stranger or sing the first few bars of a song? Who cares if we look silly for a second or two? What is wrong with asking for help or directions, or just not knowing what exactly to do? That’s how we learn, and one day we can help someone along when they aren’t sure how to go about some new thing that they are trying.
The sad thing is, there are many many times that we are not afraid at all. We should look at all the other things we do each and every day that proves that we are not afraid. Things that others look at with jealousy in their heart, and they wish they could be as brave and as fearless as us. We should see ourselves as strong, and fierce, and capable, because we are. We all do brave things everyday without even noticing or giving ourselves credit, then turn around and slink away from something because we don't recognize our own accomplishments or see the bravery in ourselves. We don't realize that we are all warriors, and we overcome incredible things that no one ever sees, but that doesn't make them any less valid or us any less spectacular.
And what of those times when we do stare down that fear, when we stride right past it and take all its power away and leave it back there somewhere in the dark? That’s when we shine and that’s when we are filled with joy and purpose and the exhilaration of knowing that we didn’t let anything hold us back. We have that opportunity nearly every day. At that moment, when the wind is in our hair, or when no one can take their eyes off of us out of respect or awe or even envy, when we are free and glorious and just so glad to be alive. You smile so purely and you realize that the smile is meant only for you, the risk was always worth it. Always.
The sad thing is, there are many many times that we are not afraid at all. We should look at all the other things we do each and every day that proves that we are not afraid. Things that others look at with jealousy in their heart, and they wish they could be as brave and as fearless as us. We should see ourselves as strong, and fierce, and capable, because we are. We all do brave things everyday without even noticing or giving ourselves credit, then turn around and slink away from something because we don't recognize our own accomplishments or see the bravery in ourselves. We don't realize that we are all warriors, and we overcome incredible things that no one ever sees, but that doesn't make them any less valid or us any less spectacular.
And what of those times when we do stare down that fear, when we stride right past it and take all its power away and leave it back there somewhere in the dark? That’s when we shine and that’s when we are filled with joy and purpose and the exhilaration of knowing that we didn’t let anything hold us back. We have that opportunity nearly every day. At that moment, when the wind is in our hair, or when no one can take their eyes off of us out of respect or awe or even envy, when we are free and glorious and just so glad to be alive. You smile so purely and you realize that the smile is meant only for you, the risk was always worth it. Always.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Speaking to Trump supporters....
Speaking to Trump supporters, or anyone trying to find blame for what is happening in this country when the fault has already been found:
A couple of things you should be aware of, but it’s okay if you didn’t know this stuff already. I’m sure you know a lot of crap that I don’t know, so nobody’s trying to condescend or make fun of you.
The reason that statues of Confederate generals and monuments to fallen soldiers have no place on American soil, in the South or anywhere, is not because of some liberal snowflakes or black people trying to make you feel guilty.
They are monuments to people that fought against your country. They are monuments to ideals that we do not share, at least no one in their right mind would want to share. People have this romantic notion that the Civil War was fought by American citizens against American citizens. . That’s not correct. Not even close. The Confederacy was made up of southern states that seceded from the Union. They chose not to be a part of the United States any longer, giving up any rights they held as Americans. The United States Government rejected those claims of secession, and so the war began.
The Confederacy was an enemy of the United States, your country, that you so proudly proclaim yourself a patriot. You denounce people for taking any kind of stand that you deem unpatriotic, yet you argue to keep a flag and statues dedicated to an enemy of the very principles you claim to uphold. To stick up for the Confederate flag or it’s heroes is the same as sticking up for a statue of Hitler or Hirohito. These people were the enemy, and we vanquished them and made our country a place where people couldn’t be owned as property any longer. What point are you trying to prove when you stick up for these people and monuments?
There is a lame attempt to justify it by claiming it is history. Statues and monuments are not history, they are things, dedicated to the memory of some person or aspect of history, often incorrectly. History is history. No amount or absence of bronze makes one bit of difference. The history is what it is. When a statue of one of these hateful racist enemies of the state comes down, do the history books vanish? Do artifacts rust away overnight, leaving a population of amnesiacs in their wake? No, they don’t, so statues of cruel and greedy men do not have a bearing on history.
There is no reason to keep a tribute to our vanquished foes around at all. Imagine you are an African American, and your ancestors were slaves. Imagine that even after the war, they were lynched, murdered, denied basic rights, and treated worse than second class citizens. It wasn’t until 1964, the year I was born, that the Civil Rights Act was passed and ended segregation and discrimination( on paper, anyway) in American society.
Now imagine as an African American that you have to live in a country where a lot of people think it is just fine to keep likenesses celebrating the men that fought to keep your people in bondage. Everyday they have to see statues and a flag that tells them that they are unwanted, unless it is as property. Every time they see people fighting to keep the symbols of their oppression, it tells them that a large segment of the population believes that the Confederacy was correct in fighting for the right to own them, that a large part of the population hates them. If you have even a tiny bit of empathy or decency you would understand that and stop arguing for these monuments and flags. Nothing you can point to could possibly trump the reasons that African Americans have for their removal.
Now, on to the ridiculous notion that the left is somehow just as responsible for the violence this weekend, and racism in general. I don’t even know where to begin here. Liberals do not glorify Nazis or the Confederacy. Liberals did not go to Charlottesville to incite riots and deliver hate speech. Liberals did not run over peaceful protesters with a car, and then gloat about it on social media.
The white supremacists, the bigots and racists, the fucking Nazis, want to try to shift blame for their actions because they are cowards, and they are looking to form scapegoats where there are none to deflect the consequences of their actions. They have come up with some non-existent bogeyman, calling them the alt left or perverting Antifa, just to have some distraction. Antifa is all about fighting fascism, something that you, as an American should be all for.
Yet, for no apparent reason, want to go along with the propaganda put out there by the white supremacists, bigots and racists, and again, fucking Nazis. Why? Why would you for a second want to align yourselves with these people? What are you trying to prove by giving credence to the words of hate mongers?
Then again, you are upset when people assume that you’re racist. You are who you associate with, and you are repeating the mantra of the same people that wore Nazi symbols and committed acts of terrorism in the name of white superiority. Why in God’s name would you want to be in that club?
The president you support echoed these same sentiments. And before you claim that it’s the liberal media making him look bad, keep in mind that the leaders of the white supremacy movement thanked him for not blaming them or denouncing them. Surely they are not part of the liberal conspiracy? Then on Monday, President Trump did denounce them, as much as it seemed he did not want to. At least he did the right thing. Maybe he saw the light?
But no, a day later he went off the script again and showed his true feelings, again blaming the victim as much as the offenders, and again the white supremacists cheered as he followed their script.
So based on his actions, the man you support is a racist, a liar and a coward that will say anything to try to wriggle off the hook when others tell him to say it. He has no conviction. Again, you are judged by the company you keep, so if you support him it is only fair that people think you have no convictions, you stand for nothing, save racism and hate.
I have to believe that people are better than this. I have to believe that perhaps dissatisfaction or fear or the feeling of helplessness led you to make a choice that seemed good at the time. That is understandable. Most election campaigns are based on it. Your character now depends on if you have the bravery and the class to admit that it isn’t working, and try to fix it. It isn’t easy to admit you were fooled, but there is no shame in it. The only shame is to keep denying it and making things worse simply because of your ego and insecurities.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Dealing with racists
When confronted with backwards and racist thinking, I often remark with something to the effect of "some people are just never going to get it", but I'm thinking that is just writing them off as a lost cause. Then I remember that people redeem themselves everyday. Millions of people that grow up being taught that abuse and neglect and hatred are normal sometimes unlearn that behavior. Many times these people become the most outspoken critics of these things.
Now I know I have mentioned many times how I was bullied when I was a child, and those bullies often came from messed up homes. They learned abuse at home, and acted accordingly. Then again, I had two friends that lived around the corner, Patrick and Andrew. Their home life wasn't ideal. Their father drank, and could be pretty violent at times, and I was there and saw him berate and hit his children in the face on several occasions. Now Patrick and Andrew were tough as nails, and could beat up anyone in town, even kids a lot older. The thing is, they never bullied anyone that I ever saw, and in fact, would stick up for me when other kids tried. For growing up in that environment, they could be the nicest, most gentle kids I ever saw, even though they were also the toughest.
So I can't say that anyone is a lost cause. That doesn't mean it is always my job to teach them, but any of us can lead by example. It's ultimately up to them to change, but I don't have to make it harder on them by telling them that they are worthless and can't do any better.
Please note that this does and doesn't apply to the neoNazi assholes rioting and causing acts of terrorism recently. It is right to call them out and shame them and neuter them before they hurt more people. That is part of the hard lesson they must learn, to realize that this behavior is unacceptable in society and will not be tolerated. Some punishment is just. But also, it doesn't mean that they cannot be redeemed. You might see six months or a year or even ten years from now that some of these people will learn their lesson. You might see them speaking out against the ideologies and actions that they once used to partake in. That's something even the worst of us are capable of, and I don't want to take that opportunity and redemption away from anyone by telling them it isn't possible.
Look at the statement released by the family of one of the rioters, telling him that he is not welcome in the family until he denounces his ways and changes. It expressly condemns his actions and who he is right now, but it offers a chance at redemption. It offers him a way back home. Now it is up to him to accept. It remains to be seen if he will or if he won't, but at least he is afforded the option.
So from now on I will try to remember all this, and instead of saying that someone is a lost cause, I will simply tell them that they aren't ready to understand yet. I will condemn their racism and bigotry and hatred, but I will let them know that they can find redemption and grow and learn.
I will not deny someone their path to the light.
Charlottesville 2
Keep in mind that even though a bunch of horrible people did some horrible stuff today, just as many people showed up to resist them. Keep in mind that everyone on any of your posts lamenting it was just as horrified as you were. Remember that things like this have happened in this country forever, usually on a much more regular basis, so we're winning. Acknowledge that there are plenty of former racists that have been shown the light and reformed their ways, sometimes becoming the most outspoken critics of the type of people they used to be.
Voice your outrage, condemn their actions, place the blame where it belongs, but don't forget to celebrate the people that resist this garbage. Don't forget to hold onto the victories and the triumphs and the progress we have made while we call out abominable behavior.
Don't let the darkness be all you see in any situation, lest you learn to live there. Be horrified at the atrocities, but take comfort in the fact that the majority of people still think that they are atrocities and agree with you. Our side is stronger, so don't for a moment let them make you think otherwise, because that's how terrorism is meant to work. Don't do their work for them.
Voice your outrage, condemn their actions, place the blame where it belongs, but don't forget to celebrate the people that resist this garbage. Don't forget to hold onto the victories and the triumphs and the progress we have made while we call out abominable behavior.
Don't let the darkness be all you see in any situation, lest you learn to live there. Be horrified at the atrocities, but take comfort in the fact that the majority of people still think that they are atrocities and agree with you. Our side is stronger, so don't for a moment let them make you think otherwise, because that's how terrorism is meant to work. Don't do their work for them.
When you see shit like what's going on in Virginia today, you should be thankful.
It's not like anyone with half a brain didn't know that this crap exists in America. These hideous people are exposing who they really are, and proving the point that there's a real problem, and identifying themselves at the root of it. That's the silver lining you can take away from the whole Trump fiasco. It's forced America to look at what it really is. It's brought the worst of us out into the light, and you can't start to change until you look at the problem in the eye. No more denying that there's serious racism on the right.
I have to believe in people's better nature, that this will spur change for the better. Maybe people will start to see that they don't want to be identified as something this vile. Perhaps we can find what makes people turn into this. Maybe in the future we can look back at stuff like this the way we look back in shame at some of the things that took place during the Civil Rights Movement, and use it to teach kindness. Perhaps it will make those who are already on the fence about joining the fight finally mobilize and make a difference.
Everything horrible has a gift within it, a lesson, something to glean from it, and to craft into a tool for future use. Rather than wring our hands or feel defeated, look for that positive, and build on it. Not just here, but everywhere. The key to life is to take something from every experience, not to just ignore the bad ones.
The enemy has crawled out into the light. Now is the time to defeat it, not with shadow, but with more light.
I'm so tired of people on the same side fighting with each other. I've been guilty of it too, but I think I'm going to make a real effort to stop arguing over whose fault anything was and concentrate on the future and positive change. I'm not going contribute to turning my party into the dysfunctional mess the Republicans want us to be.
There's hate and anger everywhere, and there's no way to resolve it apparently, so my attitude is going to be too bury the hatchet and concentrate on the future, not things that happened that can't be undone. Like I said, I've been as guilty of it in the past as anyone, but it's all counterproductive. Like most things in life holding us back, we need to let it go and stop trying to blame each other. We're just defeating ourselves
I'm going to think on it and try to write a piece expounding on my comment I posted on there about moving forward from all this nonsense. I'm tired of looking for people to blame, it's not helping. I try to live my life being positive and I'm as bad as everyone else I guess. I'm going to try pouring positivity into the situation going forward
Non Voters
In regards to all the Bernie fanatics that don’t understand how politics works, you really screwed the country, yourself, and Bernie Sanders. Bernie never set out to be president, he set out to pressure the Dems to move further left. He was building political clout so he could drive the issues and that after the election he could affect a lot of the changes you wanted. That’s how politics works. There is usually a farther left or right candidate pushing the frontrunner and nominee to stay true the party ideals and not become too centrist.
Yeah, there was a split second where it looked like he had a chance, but he was always fighting an uphill battle. He wasn’t on the primary ballot in some states because he wasn’t Democrat, and some Independents couldn’t vote in the Dems primary in other states. You know what? That’s the price you pay for being different. I understand that some people just want to be an independent because that’s how they feel, but I know a lot of ego driven people that want to be an independent just so they can announce it the moment politics comes up.
The truth is, Bernie was mathematically eliminated long before his followers would even admit it. Kind of like the Republican thing where you point out facts and they say “Well, those are your facts.” There’s also the whole thing about choosing a lesser of two evils, but once you grow up and live in the real world you come to understand that’s the only choice you get in almost any situation. Nothing is perfect, but you don’t blow up the system because things aren’t a 100% right. Did the DNC hobble Bernie during the primaries? Yes, and that was unfortunate, but that’s the way politics works. Why would the Dems want to turn their party over to an Independent? Why take a chance on all their plans and strategies falling apart? Yes, it would be wonderful if we had viable third or even fourth party candidates, but in the eyes of the DNC why are they the ones that have to take a chance on missing out on winning the White House? So if your candidate doesn’t win, you move on to the next best thing, which was Hillary.
Bernie came out in full support of Hillary once the primaries were over, and he probably made a backroom deal with her campaign to give him more power or a position after the election to try to push the things you wanted, and you blew it. I understand your frustration when you come so close and things don’t go your way, but that’s tough. Don’t be spiteful and take your ball and go home. If you were one of those people saying something as ludicrous as there was no difference between Trump and Hillary, can you in all honesty say that now? Because if you still think that, you are lying to yourself or too ignorant to be discussing politics. If you had voted for Hillary, we wouldn’t have a nutjob rolling back every protection put in place the previous four decades. You would have a liberal justice appointed to the supreme court. You would have Bernie using his clout that YOU would have given him to get you the things you wanted. He could have been your voice in this administration, but you castrated him.
One more thing if you didn’t bother going to vote at all: You do realize that president wasn’t the only choice on the ballot, right? Even if you didn’t want to vote for either candidate, you still could have shown up and voted for your state representatives. You could have voted for senators and congresspeople to go to Washington and be part of a majority that kept the maniac that got elected in check. But nope, you had to be petty and you failed your government, the citizens, and yourself.
So much of the world seems to be in arrested development these days. Stop thinking like children and see the big picture. Doing something just because someone tells you not to is immature. Taking actions detrimental to yourself because you want to ignore the consequences is immature. All this petulant infighting going on in the party is just going to keep the Republicans in power, just like they want. We are playing right into their hands.
Just like children.
Things that are probably true, but they don't seem possible
Things that are probably true, but they don't seem possible:
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sands on all the beaches in the world
Atoms are 99.999999999% empty space
We are living in a multiverse, with infinite versions of ourselves everywhere
World peace is attainable
M. Night Shyamalan could make another good movie
There are planets made of carbon where diamonds rain from the sky
There is someone actually capable of loving me
Monday, August 7, 2017
Lately ....
Maybe it's just me, but people seem cranky and/or melancholy these past few days. Maybe it's because the end of summer is in sight and we didn't get everything done that we wanted to.
Perhaps it's because the world seems like it's in disarray lately, and it only looks like it's going to get worse.
It also seems like a lot of the people I know have had to deal with tragic losses the last couple of months. Beloved friends and family members, and cherished pets have passed on, leaving us all with a hole in the world we can't quite get our heads around yet.
The good news is, there's still plenty of summer left, and a lot more summers to come. You may not get all the things done this year by September, but there's still plenty of time to do a lot. If not, you always have next summer to look forward to, a target to pull you through those winter months.
The world has always been in turmoil. We can usually live with that fact in the back of our mind and get on with our day, but sometimes we are forced to face it. So we will do what we need to do to fix it, and someday in the not too distant future, things will be back to an acceptable horror level and we will slowly forget the hell we are living in now.
We will also heal and the losses we suffered will become more manageable everyday. That does not mean that we will ever forget the ones we've lost, but we will process all the grief, as well as all the anger and guilt and other rational and irrational emotions dredged up by the trauma. We will find a way to live with that hole they left, and avoid falling into it with every other misstep we take along our path.
We will find a way, that's what we do. We will cope, we will work hard, we will escape the world and it's problems now and then, and we will endure.
Everything doesn't matter at all, and everything matters more than anything. It is up to you to decide where in the spectrum between those two extremes all the things that make up your life will fall. Good or bad, ultimately it is how we choose to react to it all that sets up our lives going forward, and we make those choices a thousand times a day without even thinking.
Whether we choose wisely or poorly, it makes no difference, because it can almost always change in an instant with just another choice.
That's about the greatest gift we possess, and the one we most often forget we have.
Perhaps it's because the world seems like it's in disarray lately, and it only looks like it's going to get worse.
It also seems like a lot of the people I know have had to deal with tragic losses the last couple of months. Beloved friends and family members, and cherished pets have passed on, leaving us all with a hole in the world we can't quite get our heads around yet.
The good news is, there's still plenty of summer left, and a lot more summers to come. You may not get all the things done this year by September, but there's still plenty of time to do a lot. If not, you always have next summer to look forward to, a target to pull you through those winter months.
The world has always been in turmoil. We can usually live with that fact in the back of our mind and get on with our day, but sometimes we are forced to face it. So we will do what we need to do to fix it, and someday in the not too distant future, things will be back to an acceptable horror level and we will slowly forget the hell we are living in now.
We will also heal and the losses we suffered will become more manageable everyday. That does not mean that we will ever forget the ones we've lost, but we will process all the grief, as well as all the anger and guilt and other rational and irrational emotions dredged up by the trauma. We will find a way to live with that hole they left, and avoid falling into it with every other misstep we take along our path.
We will find a way, that's what we do. We will cope, we will work hard, we will escape the world and it's problems now and then, and we will endure.
Everything doesn't matter at all, and everything matters more than anything. It is up to you to decide where in the spectrum between those two extremes all the things that make up your life will fall. Good or bad, ultimately it is how we choose to react to it all that sets up our lives going forward, and we make those choices a thousand times a day without even thinking.
Whether we choose wisely or poorly, it makes no difference, because it can almost always change in an instant with just another choice.
That's about the greatest gift we possess, and the one we most often forget we have.
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