Thursday, October 24, 2019

Check Your Balances ...

One of the things I’m taking away from this whole horrible Trump debacle is that the checks and balances in place to safeguard our democracy only work if people agree to adhere to the rules of the game. Trump and his gang of thieves and tyrants don’t care about decorum or optics or shame anymore. They don’t care if they break laws, on the books or unwritten. Who’s going to stop them? Perhaps the Dems and the few respectable Republicans left out there, and maybe the Constitution, eventually.
In the meantime, they openly mock the principles and good faith that our entire system of government and social structure depends on.
Why do you think people in power are so desperate to quell any anarchy or questioning of authority? Why do you think they have so many jackboots on the ground, keeping the people down that they are sworn to protect? Why do you think they want us so dependent on our jobs and our credit scores and afraid to rock the boat? Why are we bombarded with fear mongering stories about murderers and rapists right outside our doors, and how we need to fear everyone rather than engage them? Why do you think they divide us?
It’s because if the population ever decided to stop playing by the same rules that keep us all down, the whole house of cards will fold. Anarchy would mean no more rich and poor, no more leaders and serfs, no more blue line to keep the aristocrats safe from the masses. Yet, as usual, the elite and powerful are showing you that the same rules and laws don’t apply to them. We sit here and wonder why our leaders are allowed to thumb their nose at congressional hearings, ignore subpoenas, commit perjury, and storm into closed door meetings with no real repercussions for their behavior. It’s simple: If you are in charge of making the laws and enforcing the laws, you get to choose which ones apply to you. If you’re a comedian or movie producer who behaves heinously, you get torn down and sent to jail, but if you’re part of the upper echelon of government and society, you get to be a supreme court justice or president.
I’m really not sure how the human spirit has been crushed this badly that the people in this country don’t take to the streets in open revolt. The system is set up so those in power get to behave any way they want, all the while sucking the rest of us dry and holding us in contempt, and not only do we allow it, we openly campaign and vote for them. We hand over power willingly, we are so eager to be enslaved.
We live in a kingdom of fear, trapped in cages, yet the cage doors are all unlocked and opened. Still, we sit inside, afraid to come out and demand what’s ours. Pull the cards at the bottom, and the whole house comes down.
We are those cards the whole corrupt mess is built upon.

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