As people with compassion and empathy, we are stuck in a no win situation. The monsters in power and the morally bankrupt people who follow them don't care about any of that. The more we call out their bad policy and behavior, the more they will keep it up. It's like bullies. If they taunt you, and you react, they keep going. It's best to just ignore the bully and let him get bored and leave you alone.
In this case, it isn't an option to ignore the things that are destroying our nation, but fighting back just makes them act more horrible. Like any maladjusted child, any attention is good attention. They think it's great to rile people up, even if it tears families apart, destroys the economy and our relations with our allies. It is a gang of sociopaths worshipping psychopaths. They don't understand the big picture because they are incapable of seeing it. They are looking for something to hit.
Some of them are angry because they are stuck in what they see as a dead end life, and they want to lash out rather than better themselves. They don't comprehend or want to figure out how to make it better for themselves and the world, they just want some leader to show up and fix it. In their hurt and confusion, they turned to a tyrant moron who is more than happy to exploit them.
When you try to expose the corruption and inhumanity of it all, they just double down and attack you. You must be the enemy, because you are trying to make them see that the emperor they are counting on to be their saviour is wearing no clothes. It's survival at this point. So you're not going to get anywhere arguing with them, or appealing to reason or compassion. We can only stay the course, and tally up the crimes of this administration and make them pay. We can bide our time, and vote them out come November. We can take advantage of all the weapons at our disposal, and use the law and the Constitution and the voting booth to set things right. What we can't do is count on the deluded and childish opposition to see the light and help out.
The really sad thing is, when this sordid chapter of our history is over, they will not have learned a thing. They will still be bitter, entitled, and waiting for the next charlatan to come along and promise them the world for blind obedience. And they will comply.
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