“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
I still see posts every day on social media trying to shame Trump supporters into renouncing him. That’s not going to happen. I know it seems ridiculous that they keep supporting him no matter how vile he is, no matter what stupid things he says or does, no matter how many lies you catch him in. I know that it makes no sense whatsoever that they ignore the facts and research and opinions from trusted sources and highly intelligent and respected people. It seems incomprehensible. How could so many otherwise decent and intelligent people live in denial like that?
Just take a look around you. How many people do you know in shitty relationships, full of disrespect and abuse? How many people do you know who drink too much, or do drugs, and don’t see it as a problem, even though it is destroying their lives? How many people do you see who are overweight or eating badly or not exercising at all, living a completely unhealthy lifestyle? How many people do you see that are living way beyond their means, credit maxxed out, deeply in debt, but still spending money? How many people do you know that are unhappy with their lives, but refuse to do anything to change it, and wait for some magical person or event to make it all better? How many other people do you know that are living in complete denial about so many things in their lives, but refuse to change or listen to reason? How many of these things are you doing?
People will convince themselves of whatever they have to, just to avoid taking responsibility for themselves. It doesn’t matter that they are killing themselves, it doesn’t matter that people they love are suffering as a direct result, it doesn’t matter if they are destroying a country. They will keep on doing just what they want to, until it becomes completely unsustainable or it kills them. The more you chastise them, or accuse them, or even gently try to suggest that they get help or see things differently, the more the part of their brain that’s in denial will fight back. For them, it is almost a matter of life and death. To admit one thing is wrong is to bring the whole house of cards down on top of them. The fear of that happening is greater than any amount of common sense or compassion or lecturing you offer to them. They are incapable of acknowledging it, no matter how true it might be.
Just like you will keep appealing to reason and being surprised that it falls on deaf ears.
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